Iscrpljeni ste i slabog zdravlja? Možda je do lošeg zraka.
Praćenje kvalitete zraka može biti izuzetno korisno za vašu obitelj, posebno za djecu i starije osobe.
Kvalitetan zrak štiti vaše zdravlje, povećava produktivnost i koncentraciju.
djece mlađe od 15 godina svakodnevno je izloženo nekvalitetnom zraku koji utječe na njihovo zdravlje i kognitivne sposobnosti
World Health Organization
Praćenje kvalitete zraka u vašem domu može biti korisno za različite skupine ukućana:
Obitelji s djecom
Zbog bržeg disanja i nepotpuno razvijenih respiratornih sustava, djeca su osjetljivija na negativne utjecaje loše kvalitete zraka. Osim na samo zdravlje, kvaliteta zraka može utjecati na njihov kognitivni i neurološki razvoj, koncentraciju i produktivnost, kvalitetu sna, kao i raspoloženje.
Starije osobe obično imaju slabiji imunološki sustav i postojeće zdravstvene probleme koji se mogu dodatno pogoršati zbog loše kvalitete zraka. Čist zrak može značiti manje respiratornih i kardiovaskularnih problema.
Ljudi s respiratornim problemima
Osobe s astmom, alergijama, KOPB-om ili drugim respiratornim stanjima mogu doživjeti pogoršanje simptoma u domaćinstvima s lošom kvalitetom zraka. Praćenje pomaže u ublažavanju tih problema.
Osobe s kompromitiranim imunološkim sustavom
Ljudi koji prolaze kroz postupke liječenja kao što je kemoterapija, oni s autoimunim bolestima ili drugim stanjima koja oslabljuju imunološki sustav trebaju čist zrak kako bi smanjili rizik od komplikacija.
Loša kvaliteta zraka može utjecati i na majku i na razvijajući fetus, potencijalno dovodeći do komplikacija kao što su niska porođajna težina ili prijevremeni porod.
Ljudi s kardiovaskularnim problemima
Nekvalitetan zrak može pogoršati srčana stanja i povećati rizik od srčanih udara i moždanih udara. Oni s bolestima srca imaju koristi od života u domu s dobrom kvalitetom zraka.
Ljudi koji rade od kuće
S porastom rada na daljinu, održavanje dobre kvalitete zraka može poboljšati produktivnost, fokus i opće blagostanje ljudi koji rade od kuće.
Vlasnici kućnih ljubimaca
Lošija kvaliteta zraka može utjecati i na kućne ljubimce, uzrokujući respiratorne probleme i druge zdravstvene probleme
Profesionalno rješenje za praćenje kvalitete zraka

Sensees Indoor sustav nagrađivano je rješenje za praćenje različitih parametara zraka u stvarnom vremenu: od finih lebdećih čestica (PM1, PM2.5, PM10), preko CO2 pa do temperature i vlage zraka u zatvorenom prostoru.
Sensees Indoor jednostavan je plug&play uređaj koji je razvijen s ciljem postizanja boljih mikroklimatskih uvjeta u zatvorenim prostorima.
Kako sensees indoor može pomoći:
Praćenje kvalitete zraka u vašem stanu ili kući može biti izuzetno korisno i pozitivno utjecati na sve ukućane, posebice djecu, starije osobe, trudnice ili pojedince s posebnim potrebama.
Uz naš uređaj možete u stvarnom vremenu saznati kakav je zrak kojeg udišete, što vam omogućuje da poduzmete potrebne mjere kao što je ventiliranje prostora. Jedan od benefita je i ušteda na potrošnji energije, čime smanjujete troškove računa.
Smanjenje temperature zraka za
u zatvorenom prostoru može vam godišnje uštedjeti
ukupno potrošene struje.
Vlada Republike Hrvatske: "Smjernice za smanjenje potrošnje energije u Hrvatskoj ", 2022.
Sensees Indoor sustav za praćenje kvalitete unutrašnjeg zraka razvijen je s ciljem praćenja različitih parametara kvalitete zraka u vašem domu.
Naše pametno rješenje jednostavno je za korištenje, a sastoji se od više senzornih modula koji mjere razine uobičajenih zagađivača, kao što su:
Lebdeće čestice (PM)
Senzorski moduli mogu detektirati štetne ledbeće čestice u zraku, nevidljive golom oku i to od većih do onih najsitnijih PM1, PM2.5 i PM10.
Ugljikov dioksid
CO2 senzorski moduli mjere koncentraciju ugljikovog dioksida u zraku koji ovise o prozračivanju i broju ljudi u prostoru.
Vlaga & Temperatura
Praćenje vlage i temperature zraka pomaže vam da ugodnije živite udišući kvalitetniji zrak te da spriječite eventualni nastanak plijesni koja može negativno utjecati na zdravlje ukućana

- Optimizirajte mikroklimatske uvjete za dugoročne zdravstvene koristi, uključujući minimiziranje prijenosa bolesti koje se prenose zrakom
- Stvorite zdraviji životni prostor kroz personalizirane savjete u Sensees aplikaciji, npr. kada je vrijeme za otvaranje prozora ili poboljšanje ventilacije.
- Poboljšajte zdravlje svih ukućana.
- Poboljšajte pažnju, koncentraciju i kognitivne sposobnosti na koje utječu visoke razine CO₂.
- Smanjite troškove energije praćenjem temperature u prostorijama.
- Educirajte sve ukućane o kvaliteti zraka.
Preuzmite kontrolu nad svojim domom već danas
Ne čekajte — uložite u senzor kvalitete zraka sada i stvorite zdraviji, sigurniji životni prostor za svoju obitelj. Napravite promjenu danas za bolje sutra.
Klijenti o nama

Matijana Jergović
M.D., PhD., Primarius, Epidemiologist and Environmental Health Specialist Dr. Andrija Štampar Institute of Public Health
The development of innovative tools for „user friendly“ display of the complex air quality monitoring in spatio-temporal mode with modelling function is extremely important for the air quality health impact assessment, due to the acute but also delayed health outcomes. The development of comprehensive digital infrastructure will make it easier to compare environmental indicators of air quality with health indicators – in order to assess and give recommendations for corrective and preventive measures as accurately as possible.

Goran Škvarč
Deputy CEO for International Cooperation at CARNET
By enabling teachers to have insight into the air quality in the classroom, the AERO system enhances the quality of the teaching process at its core. Teachers get informed at any moment if the air flow in the room is reduced, thereby maintaining an optimal concentration level. This way, CARNET AERO contributes to making schools a pleasant place to stay where every factor affecting the teaching process can be analysed and improved.

Marjana Senčar Srdič
Research and Strategic Development Consultant, A1 Slovenia
At A1 Slovenia, we’re excited to partner with Smartsense, whose Sensees Environment platform has revolutionized our air quality management. Their cutting-edge technology tracks multiple air parameters, empowering citizens and institutions to take proactive steps for better air quality. This collaboration supports our commitment to sustainability and smarter cities.

Goran Matoš
Senior Telecom Infrastructure Architect, Network Transformation Division, A1 Hrvatska d.o.o.
The Energee Meter has revolutionized how we monitor energy consumption at each base station! We were impressed by the quick, simple installation, enabling swift responses to future needs. The cloud-based dashboard provides rich insights for detailed analysis, while the API interface makes it easy to gather data for advanced comparisons with our telecom network. Working with Smart Sense’s talented team is always a pleasure!

Milan Parat
Executive Director of Corporate Security, Privredna banka Zagreb dd
By using Smart Sense solutions for indoor air quality monitoring, we gained valuable and timely information that we used to ensure an optimal microclimate in our offices, aiming to reduce potential health risks associated with working together in enclosed spaces.

Dragan Vulin
Deputy Mayor of Osijek
As a long-time user of Sensees air quality monitoring solutions in the City of Osijek, we are extremely satisfied with the quality of information the system provides. The hardware solution is robust and does not disrupt the urban landscape of our city, while the application allows us to handle all relevant data on air quality, weather conditions, and noise levels—all in real time. By monitoring air quality, we ensure a healthy living environment for our citizens, and we are ready to respond quickly in the event of unforeseen environmental disruptions.

Tomislav Babić
Headmaster - Lucijan Vranjanin High School
The motivation for installing Sensees Indoor sensors was to monitor classroom conditions during lessons and state exams in early summer. With long-standing issues of high temperatures in classrooms, I wanted to track temperature and CO2 levels to find optimal solutions. The easy-to-use software provides daily insights, helping detect issues and improve learning conditions, leading to better student focus, results, and energy savings.

Andreas Economides
The Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (CYTA) Partnerships and New Ventures Coordinator Vertical Markets
It was a pleasure working with Smart Sense on the Nicosia Smart City project providing high quality environmental sensors. Their dedication to quality, attention to detail, and exceptional collaboration made the entire process seamless from start to finish. They consistently met project deadlines, provided expert insights, and maintained clear and open communication throughout. The level of professionalism demonstrated was remarkable, and their innovative approach helped us overcome challenges and deliver a successful outcome. We look forward to future collaborations and highly recommend their services for similar projects.

Željko Turk
Mayor of Zaprešić
We always strive to provide our citizens with technology that truly makes a difference and elevates the quality of life. That’s exactly why we chose Smart Sense. We are extremely pleased with the installation of Sensees Indoor sensors in all our schools and kindergartens, as well as Sensees Outdoor stations for monitoring outdoor air quality. These sensors provide us with valuable insights into air quality, helping us ensure healthier environment for our children and fellow citizens. The data we receive allows us to make timely, informed decisions. We are very satisfied with the positive impact these projects have on our community
Klijenti o nama

Matijana Jergović
M.D., PhD., Primarius, Epidemiologist and Environmental Health Specialist Dr. Andrija Štampar Institute of Public Health
The development of innovative tools for „user friendly“ display of the complex air quality monitoring in spatio-temporal mode with modelling function is extremely important for the air quality health impact assessment, due to the acute but also delayed health outcomes. The development of comprehensive digital infrastructure will make it easier to compare environmental indicators of air quality with health indicators – in order to assess and give recommendations for corrective and preventive measures as accurately as possible.

Goran Škvarč
Deputy CEO for International Cooperation at CARNET
By enabling teachers to have insight into the air quality in the classroom, the AERO system enhances the quality of the teaching process at its core. Teachers get informed at any moment if the air flow in the room is reduced, thereby maintaining an optimal concentration level. This way, CARNET AERO contributes to making schools a pleasant place to stay where every factor affecting the teaching process can be analysed and improved.

Marjana Senčar Srdič
Research and Strategic Development Consultant, A1 Slovenia
At A1 Slovenia, we’re excited to partner with Smartsense, whose Sensees Environment platform has revolutionized our air quality management. Their cutting-edge technology tracks multiple air parameters, empowering citizens and institutions to take proactive steps for better air quality. This collaboration supports our commitment to sustainability and smarter cities.

Goran Matoš
Senior Telecom Infrastructure Architect, Network Transformation Division, A1 Hrvatska d.o.o.
The Energee Meter has revolutionized how we monitor energy consumption at each base station! We were impressed by the quick, simple installation, enabling swift responses to future needs. The cloud-based dashboard provides rich insights for detailed analysis, while the API interface makes it easy to gather data for advanced comparisons with our telecom network. Working with Smart Sense’s talented team is always a pleasure!

Milan Parat
Executive Director of Corporate Security, Privredna banka Zagreb dd
By using Smart Sense solutions for indoor air quality monitoring, we gained valuable and timely information that we used to ensure an optimal microclimate in our offices, aiming to reduce potential health risks associated with working together in enclosed spaces.

Dragan Vulin
Deputy Mayor of Osijek
As a long-time user of Sensees air quality monitoring solutions in the City of Osijek, we are extremely satisfied with the quality of information the system provides. The hardware solution is robust and does not disrupt the urban landscape of our city, while the application allows us to handle all relevant data on air quality, weather conditions, and noise levels—all in real time. By monitoring air quality, we ensure a healthy living environment for our citizens, and we are ready to respond quickly in the event of unforeseen environmental disruptions.

Tomislav Babić
Headmaster - Lucijan Vranjanin High School
The motivation for installing Sensees Indoor sensors was to monitor classroom conditions during lessons and state exams in early summer. With long-standing issues of high temperatures in classrooms, I wanted to track temperature and CO2 levels to find optimal solutions. The easy-to-use software provides daily insights, helping detect issues and improve learning conditions, leading to better student focus, results, and energy savings.

Andreas Economides
The Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (CYTA) Partnerships and New Ventures Coordinator Vertical Markets
It was a pleasure working with Smart Sense on the Nicosia Smart City project providing high quality environmental sensors. Their dedication to quality, attention to detail, and exceptional collaboration made the entire process seamless from start to finish. They consistently met project deadlines, provided expert insights, and maintained clear and open communication throughout. The level of professionalism demonstrated was remarkable, and their innovative approach helped us overcome challenges and deliver a successful outcome. We look forward to future collaborations and highly recommend their services for similar projects.

Željko Turk
Mayor of Zaprešić
We always strive to provide our citizens with technology that truly makes a difference and elevates the quality of life. That’s exactly why we chose Smart Sense. We are extremely pleased with the installation of Sensees Indoor sensors in all our schools and kindergartens, as well as Sensees Outdoor stations for monitoring outdoor air quality. These sensors provide us with valuable insights into air quality, helping us ensure healthier environment for our children and fellow citizens. The data we receive allows us to make timely, informed decisions. We are very satisfied with the positive impact these projects have on our community
Studiji slučaja
Saznajte kako su drugi poboljšali svoje živote i poslovnu učinkovitost implementacijom sustava za praćenje okoliša u svojim gradovima, tvrtkama ili domovima.